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Sport  Specific

Strength and Performance Optimisation

Sport  Specific

Strength and Performance Optimisation

High quality strength coaching is an imperative component in improving sports performance. Whether it be to run faster, jump higher, hit harder, throw further, improve acceleration and change of direction, or to cycle or run safer and efficiently, with a reduced possibility of injury, correctly constructed strength training is paramount.

Maximise athletic performance

We conduct an in depth analysis of the sport and position requirements if it is a team sport, in order to comprehend the strength qualities required in order to excel at the certain sport. 

How do we do this?

Thereafter a vigorous assessment of the athlete follows in order to establish the athletes current level and how this compares to the necessary requirements needed to optimise performance in the given sport. 
We then take all the information gathered from the athletes in depth assessment and the analysis of the sport requirements and design an exercise prescription with aim to create structural balance within the body, strengthen and in turn to maximise athletic performance. 

Key variables of exercise prescription that are often overlooked, however need to be carefully considered and precisely assembled for benefits to accrue, are; exercise selection, exercise order of execution, the speed of exercise execution, exercise intensity, exercise volume, recovery time between sets, exercise load and frequency.

We conduct an in depth analysis of the sport and position requirements if it is a team sport, in order to comprehend the strength qualities required in order to excel at the certain sport. 

How do we do this?

Thereafter a vigorous assessment of the athlete follows in order to establish the athletes current level and how this compares to the necessary requirements needed to optimise performance in the given sport. 
We then take all the information gathered from the athletes in depth assessment and the analysis of the sport requirements and design an exercise prescription with aim to create structural balance within the body, strengthen and in turn to maximise athletic performance. 

Key variables of exercise prescription that are often overlooked, however need to be carefully considered and precisely assembled for benefits to accrue, are; exercise selection, exercise order of execution, the speed of exercise execution, exercise intensity, exercise volume, recovery time between sets, exercise load and frequency.

Maximal Strength

The peak force or torque the neuromuscular system is capable of producing in a single maximal voluntary contraction, irrespective of the time element. Maximal strength plays a major role in sports where great external resistance must be overcome, such as hammer throwing, shot-putting and weightlifting. Its importance as a determinant of athletic performance diminishes as the duration of the event increases. For example a 60m indoor sprinter requires more maximal strength than a 1500m runner. Sports of an intermittent nature such as squash and tennis, which require intense burst of power interspaced with recovery periods, are also dependant on high levels of maximal strength. 

Speed strength
The ability of the neuromuscular system to produce the greatest possible force in the shortest possible time frame. It is the capacity of the neuromuscular system to overcome resistance with the greatest contraction speed possible. Speed-strength is a high priority in the field events, in the sprinting, kicking, jumping and throwing activities of team sports, and in the starts and acceleration phases of sprinting, cycling, rowing, ice skating and kayaking. 

Speed-strength encompasses three other strength qualities: starting strength, explosive strength and reactive strength.

Starting strength
The capacity to generate maximal force at the beginning of a muscular contraction; the capacity to overcome resistance and initiate movement. Starting strength is of importance in movements that require great initial speed, such as boxing blows and squash thrusts. Starting strength is a key determinant of performance in sports where the resistance to overcome is relatively light. It is dependant on the number of motor units accessed at the beginning of the contraction. 

Explosive strength
The capacity to develop a vertical rise in force once movement has been initiated, measured in terms of the increase in force per unit of time; the ability of the neuromuscular system to continue developing the already initiated force as quickly as possible; the rate at which one can develop maximal or peak force. 

Explosive strength is a key determinant of performance in sports where the resistance to overcome is relatively great, such as judo, hammer throwing and shot putting. 

Reactive strength
The ability to quickly switch from an eccentric contraction to a concentric contraction. This is also known as the stretch-shortening cycle. Reactive strength regulates performance in sports where stretch-shortening activity of the musculature is great. For example, in volleyball, in basketball and in weightlifting. In addition, the ability to quickly switch from an eccentric contraction to a concentric contraction is an important contributor to performance in jumping, throwing and sprinting. It is also an important factor for improving the efficiency of endurance runners, as it can assist in reducing ground contact times. 

Strength endurance
It is the capacity of muscles to resist fatigue while generating force over a period of time. Strength Endurance is characterised by high strength levels coupled with high levels of endurance. It is of particular importance in cyclical endurance events, such as rowing, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, where the ability to overcome exceptional resistance must be maintained over long periods. It also plays a key role in gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, judo and in many team sports. 

Relative strength
Strictly speaking, relative strength is not actually a specific type of strength but rather a way to measure strength in relation to an athletes body mass. It is the maximum force an athlete can generate per unit of bodyweight. It is affected by factors such as changes in body mass and neural drive. High relative strength is of critical importance to performance in sports in which athletes have to move their entire bodyweight, e.g. jumps, gymnastics, and sports that involve weight classes, such as judo and boxing. 

Concentric contraction
The muscle develops tension and shortens, causing movement to occur. 

The muscle lengthens while producing tension, thus braking or controlling the speed of movement. 

Eccentric contraction
When lifting the barbell overhead during the positive phase of an overhead press, the triceps shorten (concentric contraction). When lowering the barbell from overhead to under the chin during the negative phase of the overhead press, the triceps lengthen (eccentric contraction). 

When pulling the body up during the positive phase of a chin-up, the biceps shorten (concentric contraction) resulting in an elevation of the body. During the negative phase of the chin up, when lowering the body from the elevated chin-up position, the biceps lengthen (eccentric contraction). 

Isometric contraction
A muscle develops tension while its length remains unchanged, thus producing no external movement. However, when isometric tension is developed, the muscle belly and fascia do shorten internally, but a shortening in the agonist muscles is countered equally by a shortening in the antagonist muscles. Having the ability to perform adequate isometric tension is paramount in sports, for both performance optimisation and the avoidance of injury.

Strength qualities and their importance in athletic performance


The peak force or torque the neuromuscular system is capable of producing in a single maximal voluntary contraction, irrespective of the time element. Maximal strength plays a major role in sports where great external resistance must be overcome, such as hammer throwing, shot-putting and weightlifting. Its importance as a determinant of athletic performance diminishes as the duration of the event increases. For example a 60m indoor sprinter requires more maximal strength than a 1500m runner. Sports of an intermittent nature such as squash and tennis, which require intense burst of power interspaced with recovery periods, are also dependant on high levels of maximal strength. 

The ability of the neuromuscular system to produce the greatest possible force in the shortest possible time frame. It is the capacity of the neuromuscular system to overcome resistance with the greatest contraction speed possible. Speed-strength is a high priority in the field events, in the sprinting, kicking, jumping and throwing activities of team sports, and in the starts and acceleration phases of sprinting, cycling, rowing, ice skating and kayaking. 

Speed-strength encompasses three other strength qualities: starting strength, explosive strength and reactive strength.

The capacity to generate maximal force at the beginning of a muscular contraction; the capacity to overcome resistance and initiate movement. Starting strength is of importance in movements that require great initial speed, such as boxing blows and squash thrusts. Starting strength is a key determinant of performance in sports where the resistance to overcome is relatively light. It is dependant on the number of motor units accessed at the beginning of the contraction. 

The capacity to develop a vertical rise in force once movement has been initiated, measured in terms of the increase in force per unit of time; the ability of the neuromuscular system to continue developing the already initiated force as quickly as possible; the rate at which one can develop maximal or peak force. 

Explosive strength is a key determinant of performance in sports where the resistance to overcome is relatively great, such as judo, hammer throwing and shot putting. 

The ability to quickly switch from an eccentric contraction to a concentric contraction. This is also known as the stretch-shortening cycle. Reactive strength regulates performance in sports where stretch-shortening activity of the musculature is great. For example, in volleyball, in basketball and in weightlifting. In addition, the ability to quickly switch from an eccentric contraction to a concentric contraction is an important contributor to performance in jumping, throwing and sprinting. It is also an important factor for improving the efficiency of endurance runners, as it can assist in reducing ground contact times. 

It is the capacity of muscles to resist fatigue while generating force over a period of time. Strength Endurance is characterised by high strength levels coupled with high levels of endurance. It is of particular importance in cyclical endurance events, such as rowing, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, where the ability to overcome exceptional resistance must be maintained over long periods. It also plays a key role in gymnastics, wrestling, boxing, judo and in many team sports. 

Strictly speaking, relative strength is not actually a specific type of strength but rather a way to measure strength in relation to an athletes body mass. It is the maximum force an athlete can generate per unit of bodyweight. It is affected by factors such as changes in body mass and neural drive. High relative strength is of critical importance to performance in sports in which athletes have to move their entire bodyweight, e.g. jumps, gymnastics, and sports that involve weight classes, such as judo and boxing. 

The muscle develops tension and shortens, causing movement to occur. 

The muscle lengthens while producing tension, thus braking or controlling the speed of movement. 

When lifting the barbell overhead during the positive phase of an overhead press, the triceps shorten (concentric contraction). When lowering the barbell from overhead to under the chin during the negative phase of the overhead press, the triceps lengthen (eccentric contraction). 

When pulling the body up during the positive phase of a chin-up, the biceps shorten (concentric contraction) resulting in an elevation of the body. During the negative phase of the chin up, when lowering the body from the elevated chin-up position, the biceps lengthen (eccentric contraction). 

A muscle develops tension while its length remains unchanged, thus producing no external movement. However, when isometric tension is developed, the muscle belly and fascia do shorten internally, but a shortening in the agonist muscles is countered equally by a shortening in the antagonist muscles. Having the ability to perform adequate isometric tension is paramount in sports, for both performance optimisation and the avoidance of injury.

Strength qualities and their importance in athletic performance

Isometric contraction

Maximal strength

Speed strength

Starting strength

Explosive strength

Reactive strength

Strength endurance

Relative Strength

Concentric contraction

Eccentric contraction

Improving the way that you move


Rehabilitation from chronic ijury and pain


Scientifically optimising physical function 


Scientifically optimising your health


Strength and performance optimisation


Improving the way that you feel


"To identify the requirements of your sport and the strength qualities necessary and then fine tune their development with your unique physical and psychological characteristics is paramount in order to improve and in turn optimise your performance."

Andreas Styllas





(8-16 sessions per month)


A 15-20’ discussion or more if needed in person or over the phone is offered. From then on the first session would be purchased as a single session so that you can have a better idea of the product and get to know the coach before committing to a monthly subscription. The single session will be offset from the first month's price. 

20% discount off of all prices displayed, for Ringwood (Hampshire/Dorset) clients due to new business start up. This will be honoured for at least through spring and summer 2023.

Good to Know

SINGLE session


Any questions, please ask, or if you would like to book a consultation please let us know below and we will get right back to you.

Thank you!



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