Now welcoming new UK and international clients in person (London and Ringwood) and online

"Andreas has helped me achieve a level of fitness and body confidence that I wouldn’t have thought possible two years ago. Through an holistic approach to fitness including training and nutrition he has helped me lose weight, body fat and become the fittest I’ve been for many years.

Through a carefully constructed exercise programme and understanding of how the human body works and more importantly how to rectify its weaknesses Andreas has helped me understand the cause of chronic knee pain and how to treat it through exercise.

A brilliant exercise scientist who really does create fitness improvement programmes for the individual and who has a genuine interest in helping you achieve your potential. I hope to benefit from his wisdom and knowledge for many years to come." 

Barry Weston,
Quality Engineering and Test Practice  Director specialising in policy, strategy and process improvement, Sogeti UK

"My work with Andreas started following several years of moderate and episodic lower back and neck pain. His assessment skills were immediately evident and we began meeting 2 to 3 times per week. That was nearly 8 years ago!

 Today (I am nearly 60 now), I have increased mobility and strength and NO back pain, ever! He is creative, adaptable, responsive, and very professional...always. Andreas is always encouraging me to live my best life, maintain flexibility, mobility and strength as I age and has made me conscious and aware of the importance of nutrition, hydration, sleep, and overall life balance.

 Most importantly, I have gained a friend, a strength coach, an advisor, a nutritionist and a confidant. I recommend him without hesitation and feel that my relationship with Andreas and the things he has taught me, will add years to my life with a significant increase in life quality! I am now based in NY (we have been meeting virtually for 3 years now) and happy to discuss live, Andreas can give you my contact details!"

David Fass,
Executive Director, Asset Management, NY

"Andreas helped me to lose almost 5 stone (30 kilos) of body fat and progress to a level of physical fitness that I would never have dreamed of two years ago Andreas has been vital in helping me to retrain my body to successfully manage my weight. His wealth of knowledge, experience and commitment to keep abreast of developments in physical fitness, have enabled me to continually progress over the last two years. The plethora of dynamic, varied and innovative exercises that Andreas has shown me have ensured my continued belief in the value of his training. He continues to stretch my ability and renew my enthusiasm. He is an excellent exercise scientist and strength coach for all levels.

Under Andreas' mentoring I have gone from being severely unfit and uninterested in any sport or fitness training, to laying the foundations to help me remain fit and healthy for life and become confident enough to take on and enjoy a variety of physical activities and sport.

If you are looking for a physical specialist who is genuinely interested and enthusiastic about your physical fitness and has the ability to help you achieve your full potential, then I would highly recommend Andreas."

"Andreas brings an holistic approach to training - it is not just about getting fit and strong but is equally about understanding that the mind and body work together for a healthy lifestyle. I am now much fitter in mind, body and soul. He is a pleasure to train with and I highly recommend him."


David Twigg,
Senior Academic, Working in Innovation and Operations Management, Lincoln International Business School.

"I have never been that good at sports and my gym attendance record was abysmal (low motivation, normal weight, long working hours being the main factors). In January 2009 I suffered from a nasty slipped disc - I was very worried about being able to continue my career. From March 2009 until July 2009 I trained with Andreas and the results have surpassed all my expectations: my core stability has greatly improved and lower back pain/stiffness has fully resolved. The difference in posture and muscle tone is noticeable. I am delighted to have swapped 9% of body fat for muscle and dropped those pesky 4-5 pounds from the hips.

Andreas combines his expertise in exercise sciences with medically sound nutritional advice. He rapidly ascertained my body’s needs and capabilities, devised a tailored exercise plan, which was never boring - you will not do the same old exercises as anyone else!

Finally, Andreas is an inspiring, patient and motivational trainer: work with him and you will not look back, he is worth his weight in gold!"

Miss Anna Maino,
Consultant Ophthalmologist 

“Working with Andreas - a life-changing experience for me.”

"As with most of us, the Pandemic changed my life in terms of activity. I ended up being more lethargic and more passive. 
The result of this was significant increase in my body weight and diagnosis as pre-diabetic. I have a lower back problem as well which needed managing. 

That’s when by chance, I contacted Andreas. He agreed to work with me online (Skype). He slowly and methodically improved my body’s structural balance and how I move while paying special attention to my lower back. In turn, my strength remarkably improved and from being someone who suffered from lower back pain I am now squatting 50kg and dead lifting 100kg and reaping all the benefits from doing that. I hadn’t even dreamt of such achievements. Noteworthy is the fact that strength training has improved my fitness and stamina. 

The fact that, Andreas is also a nutrition coach was of significant help as he educated me on my dietary requirements and why certain foods are good for me and others bad. This over a period has improved my awareness in eating and how to manage my cravings. 

Working with Andreas has resulted to me being stronger and fitter at the age of 47 than I have ever been and my recent blood test results are proof. More importantly, I’m also much healthier and happier now that training at least twice a week is now part of my routine. I’m a lot more aware of my body and what I eat. This is life-changing experience thanks to Andreas. 

I highly recommend Andreas, a well qualified and knowledgeable exercise scientist and strength coach, to help in getting your body working better and to improve your strength, suppleness and health."

Aravindan Govindarajan,
Finance Director

"Over the last twelve years with which I have worked with Andreas he has constantly adapted the focus and methods we use to ensure that I continue to make progress. Achieving structural balance and getting my body to function as it should has resulted in significant increases in my strength and performance. 

He is excellent at knowing when to change things around to keep them fresh and when to take a step back in order to put in the groundwork before revisiting an objective.

Andreas has real diversity in the way he can coach and train; I would recommend him to anyone."

Hugo Lennox,
Managing Director Webberfox

"I have been working with Andreas for two years and he is terrific. He understands perfectly my capabilities as a senior citizen and challenges me to push my boundaries without putting me at risk. His sessions are always well thought out and are different every time.

I have worked with other strength coaches but Andreas is the best which is why I want to continue working with him at his new place."

Alison Taggart,
 Director Peter Moores Foundation 1991-2012


"I am an architect, who has been working with Andreas Styllas for the past year. He has recently moved from North London to the City. I have moved my membership down to the City in order to continue working with him.

I confirm that Andreas is a well qualified, imaginative and thorough exercise scientist and strength coach. My brief to him was to improve my strength and fitness to allow me to attend boxing classes, and I have been surprised at the progressive and consistent progress I have made.

He is well qualified, being a qualified school teacher with both a first and postgraduate degree in sports and exercise science and physical education, which allows him to work capably with people of all ages and levels of fitness.

He is thorough in his training sessions, preparing in advance of the particular training session, to ensure that it forms part of a wider fitness plan in which I gain both the strength, suppleness and skills necessary to take on more advanced moves.

He trains safely, analysing areas of weakness, incorporating localised exercise to strengthen particular joints along with my core and back, and making me observe good form at all times.

His sessions are interesting as he has a wide experience and repertoire of moves, which he tailors to my particular needs and interest at the time, so I never find his sessions dull, though they are challenging, and we find the limits of my ability. I would have no hesitation in recommending Andreas to those who are serious about improving their health or fitness, and who are willing to put in the effort to get the required results."

David Gregory,
 Architect and Asset Manager

"I have been personally coached by Andreas on matters of strength and health for over 10 years and have been very happy with his advice, guidance and support throughout this time. He has helped me to achieve various goals including weight loss, increased strength, overall fitness and rehabilitation from various sporting injuries. His friendly, tailored and knowledgeable support has given me the motivation, direction and focus required. He has also kept the programme interesting, challenging and enjoyable throughout this time. I would strongly recommend Andreas’s service for anyone looking for help to achieve their health and fitness goals no matter what their circumstances are."

Steve Weisner,
Financial Advisor, Radcliffe and Newlands

"My training sessions with Andreas over the years have always been enjoyable. He has been a great trainer, and been understanding, thoughtful, patient and humorous.

It’s been a great opportunity for me to have a tailored series of sessions, whether it’s been in the gym, or via remote access the last few years. 

His communication about sessions has been well thought-out and understanding, explaining what can be undertaken each session. Along with diet information and advise on all other relevant health matters to help with sessions. 

It’s always been very thoughtful each session and I fully recommend taking up the opportunity to work with Andreas."


"I have worked with Andreas for over 4 years and he has been instrumental in helping me change to a more fit and healthy lifestyle. He is passionate about helping people as well as being extremely knowledgeable in his field. Working in the City requires high energy levels. Thank you Andreas for pushing me so I have the vital energy to achieve." 

Garry Mackay,
Chartered Financial Planner Principal Partner, St. James’s Place Wealth Management

Improving the way that you move

Rehabilitation from chronic injury and pain


Scientifically optimising physical function


Scientifically optimising your health


Strength and performance optimisation


Improving the way that you feel




Movement Efficiency 2023

Improving the way that you move